Frequently Asked Questions
How many providers are in the Bon Secours Value Network?
There are 860+ board-certified providers at more than 180 Richmond and Hampton Roads locations, with new providers being approved for inclusion daily.
What if a covered individual already has a physician or provider that is not listed in the Value Network?
Plan participants are free to use any provider they choose, but using providers in the Value Network will maximize benefits and reduce potential out-of-pocket costs to participants. Equally important, we work directly with specific requests for care from non-network providers to negotiate participation in the plan. And, we are able to assist employees in finding alternative doctors or facilities that will accept the Value Network fee schedule.
Does this plan save on prescription costs?
Covered employees and dependents typically enjoy out-of-pocket savings of 30% or more on prescriptions, and have access to virtually every pharmacy.
How does this plan work with a Health Savings Account (HSA)?
Employers can, and are encouraged to, set up HSA accounts for their employees so they can enjoy the benefits HSAs provide:
- Contributions, withdrawals and most expenses are tax deductible and earned interest grows tax free
- Funds can be used for the medical expenses of the covered individual and their family
- Employees can take their HSA accounts with them if they retire or change jobs
- Balance rolls over year to year and can continue to grow
How are rates determined under this plan?
Rates are actuarially determined for each group. The rates significantly benefit from the direct-to-employer Value Network pricing that is only available through this program.
Why Bon Secours?
As a comprehensive and not-for-profit health system, Bon Secours offers a broad spectrum of care designed to meet the needs of each unique individual. Committed to serving the greater Richmond and Hampton Roads areas, our network features eight award-winning hospitals that are top performers by national standards, primary and specialty care practices, ambulatory care sites and continuing care facilities that treat a wide range of medical conditions, in addition to many of the region’s leading independent physicians and practices. We are continually expanding and improving access to care, including urgent care locations and virtual care via website and mobile applications.
Who is Accountable Care Management Group (ACMG)?
ACMG will be your partner in administering the plan and will be a resource for you and your employees when they have questions about the Value Network. ACMG is a Virginia-based third-party administrator with over 35 years of operating history and extensive experience working with providers in delivering health insurance solutions to local employers.